Tag Archives: Song Reader

Rojak: Before school.

Rojak is a regular collection of assorted links as well as a bulletin summarising the week (or thereabouts) on this blog.

Yup, school begins again tomorrow. Here’s your last dose of Rojak before that happens.


Beck will release his new album through McSweeney’s in December 2012. Called Song Reader, it asks you to play it in order to bring it to life. [via McSweeney’s]

Chatting with Annie Janusch, who translated Wolf Haas’s Brenner and God into English. [via Melville House]

A graphic essay on Thomas Bernhard. [via A Piece of Monologue]

While we’re there, A Piece of Monologue also points us to The Blue Velvet Project, which is a frame-by-frame analysis project of the David Lynch film. [via A Piece of Monologue]

LCD Soundsystem concert film, Shut Up and Play the Hits, to arrive on DVD and Blu-Ray. [via Consequence of Sound]

Interview with Liza Klaussmann, who has her debut novel Tigers in Red Weather out from Picador and is also the great-great-great-granddaughter of Herman Melville. [via The Guardian]


In a visual art-heavy week on WKLC:


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