Tag Archives: Robert Walser

Omnivore: Incoming!

Omnivore is a regular report on some of the things that I’ve been enjoying during the week (or thereabouts).

Except this week, it’s not. This week I’m going to tell you about books I’ve just placed an order for. Here’s what’s incoming in no particular order:

  • The Collected Poems: 1956-1998, Zbigniew Herbert, Echo Press
  • Gasoline, Quim Monzó, Open Letter
  • The Restored Finnegans Wake, James Joyce, Penguin (Preorder)
  • Antwerp, Roberto Bolaño, New Directions (Preorder)
  • The Walk, Robert Walser, New Directions (Preorder)
  • Dublinesque, Enrique Vila-Matas, New Directions (Preorder)
  • The Passion According to G. H., Clarice Lispector, New Directions (Preorder)
  • The No Variations, Luis Chitarroni, Dalkey Archive Press (Preorder)
  • Replacement, Tor Ulven, Dalkey Archive Press (Preorder)
  • Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth, Salvador Espriu, Dalkey Archive Press (Preorder)
  • Blue Nights, Joan Didion, Fourth Estate Ltd (Preorder)
  • The Planets, Sergio Chejfec, Open Letter (Preorder)

And a much belated birthday present for someone else.

Incredibly small sample size break-down:

2 out of 12 of the books are in English to begin with (though some may disagree about Finnegans Wake); the rest are Polish (1), Catalan (2), Spanish (4), German (1), Portuguese (1), Norwegian (1), assuming I didn’t make a mistake.

My favourite publisher appears to be New Directions (4), although I do have two Open Letter books (2) in mind that I just couldn’t preorder yet; Dalkey is in second place (3) because they released an excellent, excellent catalogue a week or so ago.

The most expensive book here is The Restored Finnegans Wake, but it looks very pretty and I figured that if it was going to join my library, now is probably as good a time as any with this fancy new edition; there’s a tie for the cheapest book, and they are Antwerp and The Walk, I think because they are both short books belonging to the same series.


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Filed under Literature, Omnivore


Microscripts, by Robert Walser and translated by Susan Bernofsky, sounds like a remarkably interesting book:

This is not a book to simply be read. It is a collection of secrets, devised by the author, only to be initially dismissed as gibberish, sorted by a caretaker sometime later, taken in by an amateur who thought otherwise, transcribed into German by a team of two over a decade, then finally, expertly translated into English and re-ordered and edited in book form.

The stories and fragments are for the most part without titles, rendered in a defunct miniature script, never meant to meet the reader’s eyes. They rely upon a portrait before each translation begins, the first sentence sometimes dictating a makeshift title.

Read more over at Three Percent. [via Three Percent]


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Filed under Literature